Merida has partnered with Locally to make it easier than ever for consumers to shop online and buy locally. Connect and start accepting orders from today.

Two Ways to Receive Orders

Merida retailers are notified of orders via text message and email.

Ship-to-Store – Shoppers can browse Merida’s entire product line and have products delivered to your store for pickup.

Buy it Locally – shoppers can browse your in-store inventory and buy or reserve products for in-store pickup.

  • Allow shoppers to order any Merida bike for assembly and pickup at your store. You receive a bike, a shopper, and a check!

    An inventory feed with Locally is not required, but connecting your POS to Locally will allow you to sell your inventory first, rather than having a new bike shipped.

  • An inventory feed with your UPCs and on-hand quantities is required for Buy it Locally. There are two order types:

    Buy Online, Pickup In-store (BOPIS) - Shoppers place an order. You confirm it, and their card is charged. They come in to pick it up.

    Reserve Online, Pay In-store (ROPIS) - Shoppers place an order. You confirm it. They come in and pay for it.

Start Accepting Ship-to-Store Orders Today

How to Accept Ship-to-Store orders with Locally

Receive It

When a shopper places an order, Merida will first confirm the order. You will be notified via email as the order is processed and shipped.

Confirm Delivery

Once you’ve received the shipment, mark the order as “ready for pickup” from the unique URL that we emailed you, or from within your Locally dashboard.

Confirm Pick Up

Once the shopper has picked up their purchase, please close out the order by updating the status to "Picked Up." You will be paid your commission via check or Stripe.

"Locally does a great job of pushing fans of the brand to local retailers and makes it easy for customers to purchase while they are searching online and pick up when it's convenient.

On our end, it's a no-brainer since once it's set up it doesn't require much regular maintenance and results in customers being sent to our stores and sales being captured online."

Michael Mitchel

Mountain High Outfitters